Trade House BiAgro LLC is awarded ''Best Exporter of the Year - 2017'' in the field of agricultural business

Вручение наград ГК Бионит​​ Диплом ГК Бионит - «Лучший экспортер 2017 года»​​ Награждение ГК Бионит дипломом​​

Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization ''Export Support Center of the Vladimir Region'' announced results for the annual regional competition ''Best Exporter of the Year - 2017''. It is held with the purpose of the motivation of the foreign economic activity in export-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises of the Vladimir region.

Best exporter of 2017 was determined by the following nominations:

  • ''Best Exporter of the Year'' in the field of mechanical engineering.
  • ''Best Exporter of the Year'' in the chemical industry.
  • ''Best Exporter of the Year'' in the field of agricultural business.
  • ''Best Exporter of the Year'' in the wood processing industry.
  • ''Best Exporter of the Year'' in a different production field.

In each of the nominations one winner and two laureates were determined. Our company Trade House BiAgro LLC is the winner in the field of agricultural business.

The awarding ceremony for the winners and laureates was held on June 1, 2018, as part of the 6th Vladimir Economic Forum.

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