Subinvolution of uterus in cows: signs, symptoms, and characteristics of the disease

Every cattle breeder wants their animals to be healthy, to receive regular stable milk yield and crops. In order to achieve this, you have to constantly monitor the health of the livestock, pay attention to any signs of the appearance of possible diseases. This is especially important when observing females during and after calving. That's when there is always a risk of various gynecological diseases in cows. Among them, we should highlight the subinvolution of uterus which can lead to complications, development of severe endometritis, and even infertility. Because of this, it is so important to notice the first symptoms on time and begin timely treatment.

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When does the disease occur?

Subinvolution of uterus may appear due to various reasons:

  • Multiple pregnancies - two calves.
  • Large volume of amniotic fluid.
  • Initial infections and diseases.
  • Puerperal mastitis.
  • Poor nutrition and lack of vitamins.
  • Short grazing.
  • Unsuitable conditions in cowsheds.

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Main signs

  • The main symptom is a slow return of the uterus to its normal state.
  • Prolonged leakage of lochia and mucus
  • The secretions turning dark red or brown instead of red.
  • The lethargy of the animal.
  • Possibly high temperature.
  • During vaginal examinations, general swelling of the uterus becomes noticeable. The uterine cervix is open longer than normal.
  • During rectal palpation, you can notice that the organ is larger than it normally should be, and the wall is significantly thickened.

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Types of subinvolution of uterus in cows

Specialists distinguish three types that differ in their strength and course:

  • Easy. In this case, the symptoms are less pronounced, and the organ will soon return to its normal healthy state.
  • Medium. On the second day, the uterus moves into the abdominal cavity, no discharge is observed. On the tenth day, endometritis may develop.
  • Heavy. On the fifth day after calving, the discharge darkens, and an unpleasant smell of decomposition can be observed. There is no mucus plug in the uterine cervix.

In order to determine the exact form of the disease in the early stages, you need to conduct special research and lochia analysis in a laboratory. Therefore, if any abnormalities are observed during the delivery, it is recommended to immediately contact a veterinarian for a correct diagnosis.

Treatment of subinvolution in uterus in cattles

The main task of the breeder as soon as he detects the disease is the early restoration of tonus and functionality of the uterus, stimulation of tissue regeneration and prevention of the endometritis development which then can lead to infertility. For this purpose, the animal is given both analeptic and symptom relieving products.

The Bionit company offers its own products - Metrostim developed in the Bionit laboratories. The product already has proven effectiveness. Its main agents are carbocholine, water, and other auxiliary injections. It is administered subcutaneously and intramuscularly. It provides effects on peripheral cholinergic structures, M- and H-cholinergic receptors by stimulating them, due to which the number of uterus contractions increases. Does not affect others organs and does not spread through the body of the animal.

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Preventive measures

In order to avoid subinvolution of uterus in cattles, it is enough to carefully monitor pregnant females and maintain good living conditions and reasonable care for them. It is very important to provide them with proper nutrition and vitamins feeding, frequent grazing in the fresh air and the absence of stressful situations. After calving the cow should not be left alone, therefore it is necessary to constantly observe its condition and note any disorder of behavior and state of health.

Subinvolution of uterus in cattles is a dangerous disease, however, it can still be treated if exposed on time. In order to do so, it is enough to monitor the state of health of the animal, register the first symptoms of the disease and take measures.

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